
Zucchini 'Goldena' 12-16 Seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) Vegetable Heirloom

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Zucchini 'Goldena' 12-16 Seeds (Cucurbita pepo L.) Vegetable Heirloom

Early heirloom ready for harvest in 50 days. Grows as compact bush and forms longish, bright yellow, shiny fruits with smooth, delicate, great flavour. Easy to grow and fast to harvest it adds a beautiful touch to the daily meals whether it's cooked, baked or added to salads, garnishes, made into jams. Naturally rich in fiber, loaded with vitamins and minerals, zuchini is a good source of nutrition. Best to be grown outdoors, in pots or directly from the ground.

Growing: year round in tropical climate; in temperate climates start the seeds 2-4 weeks prior the last frost date and transplant the seedlings outside when the danger of last frost is gone. Alternatively, direct seeding (recommended) at the end of May/beg of Jun when soil temp. at 10cm depth reaches +10-12C. 

Soil: well drained, fertile, loamy soil rich in organic matter.

Sowing depth: 2.5cm deep;

Spacing: 2-3ft (0.6-0.9m) apart.

Light: full sun;

Watering: frequent and consistent. Water most diligently when when fruits form and throughout their growth period.

Fertilizing: zucchini is a heavy feeder, work compost and plenty of organic matter into the soil before planting for a rich soil base. Fertilize when first blooms appear, applying a small amount as a side dress application. After harvest begins, fertilize occasionally for vigorous growth and abundance of fruits.

*All our seeds are strictly Non-GMO, Untreated, Free of any possible harmful chemical compounds. All come from trusted and carefully selected small, non-commercial farmers worldwide that provide fresh, safe supply.*

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