
Petunia Nana Compacta 'Fire Chief' 800 Seeds (Petunia hybrida) Flower Hybrid

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Petunia Nana Compacta 'Fire Chief' 800 Seeds (Petunia hybrida) Flower Hybrid

Annual, 30cm (11.8in) tall and 7-9cm (2.7-3.5in) wide, out standing, large and energising red colour flowers. Blooms long and abundantly, looking beautiful and very attractive in flower gardens and beds, balconies, pots, windowsills. Seeds germinate in 17-20 days at the optimum outside temperature of +18-20C. Grows best in fertile, well drained, light soil and warm, bright, sunny location. Resistant to unfavourable growing conditions. The seeds come coated with organic fertilizer mix for faster germination and healthy growth.

Growing: year round in tropical climate; in temperature climates plant seeds 10-12 weeks prior transplanting outdoors. Plants are transplanted when have three true leaves.

Soil: light, well drained, rich in organic matter soil.

Sowing depth: Sprinkle the seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly press in. Do not cover with extra layer of soil.They need lots of light to germinate!

Spacing: 1ft (0.3m) apart.

Light: full sun/partial shade. Location protected from winds.

Watering: petunias are tolerant of heat and do not require to be watered regularly. A thorough watering once a week is sufficient unless there are prolonged periods of drought.

Fertilizing: fertilize monthly to ensure good growth.

USDA hardiness zone 9 to 11.


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