
Okra, Lady's Finger Organic 'Clemson Spineless' 100-150 Seeds (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Vegetable Heirloom

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Okra, Lady's Finger Organic 'Clemson Spineless' 100-150 Seeds (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Vegetable Heirloom

One of the most popular green okra varieties, loved for its no-pain harvest and its extra long, very meaty pods of dark green. The grooved, straight pods reach 18-23cm long, with a full-bodied flavor okra lovers find utterly delectable. Winner of an AAS award, Clemson Spineless is very heavy producing and easy to grow. This is the classic name in okra, trusted by gardeners for years. It will grow readily and yield well for you all summer long. Harvest in 56 days. Valued for its edible, green seed pods, which can be prepared in multiple ways. Very rich nutritionally, it's also among most heat and drought tolerant variety in the world. Raw, cooked, sauteed or fried, it will taste absolutely great. Super easy and fast growing. 

Growing: Planting season: Year round in tropical climate; in temperate climates - spring, indoors, 3-4weeks prior the danger of last frost is gone, planting the seeds in peat pots; direct seeding 3-4 weeks prior the danger of last frost is gone, covering the plants with a cold frame or grow tunnel until the weather warms up.

Soil: Plant inside fertile, well-drained, slightly acidic (6-6.5pH) soil.

Sowing depth: 6-12mm (0.2-0.4in) deep.

Spacing: 30-45cm (11.8-17.7in) apart. Mulching is beneficial.

Light: Choose the location with full sun.

Watering: Water regularly, when needed to keep the soil moist yet not wet to avoid the rot of the roots.

Fertilizing: Regular fertilising is recommended for a healthy and robust growth. Soak the seeds for 12 hours before planting to speed up the germination. Seeds take 10-14 days to germinate and does best at 25-30C soil temp.

All our seeds are strictly Non-GMO, Untreated, Free of any possible harmful chemical compounds. All come from trusted and carefully selected small, non-commercial farmers worldwide that provide fresh, safe supply.*


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